Monday, January 12, 2009

Chosen for MSSD Badminton for Doubles!!!

Okay !

yesterday was the try out for Badminton!!!

first i was stroking!

then Miss Mala,

she called five of us!

me, arveenah, that form one indian girl, one form one chinese girl( shes my friend but dont know what is her name) , and more girl!

she asked us to run by the time given

the form one chinese girl is the first, i was the second,arveenah third and i dont know the other two are not chosen!
this is to see if you got STAMINA!

so those who was not chosen are the one who don't have STAMINA!

so i am chosen,

then i asked to our Miss Mala what about Jannani,

then Jannani came,
with mellisa, izzati and sarah!

then Miss Mala stroked with Jannani, and jannani got chosen to play Doubles with me!!!!!!!!


so under 15 who got chosen are

me& jannani ( doubles)

arveenah (singles & doubles with her friend)

the form one chinese girl ( singles)

so all together are 5 under 15!

our Miss Mala , Khavi , and the other 2 more chinese girl under 18!

so, there are 4 under 18 !

i am so happy to be one of them!!!!!!!

so now i really i have to train myself!

owh yeah
i know whats the reason i didn't get chosen for singles

its because i can't smash and do my right flick properly!!!

1 comment:

sarasmala said...

lol...miss mala..???? wats that about hehehe